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Framebuilding School

Composite 202​
This 13-day workshop includes ultra premium advanced materials. It covers co-molding techniques and tube making, in additional to the 7-day carbon workshop curriculum. $6,000 per student.
Composite 202 starts on a Monday and ends on a Saturday during the first week when students work on co-molding and tube marking. Sunday is a rest day. The following week, workshop goes from Monday to Sunday when the 7-day carbon workshop (Carbon 101) curriculum is covered. Limited availability. Must email in advance to arrange.

Composite 757
​Do you want to build a carbon tandem, trike, hand-cycle, car, plane, unicorn? If you can dream it, you can build it, right? Easy tiger. These projects require a hefty investment in molding and industrial equipment. They are beyond the scope of the Bohemian carbon workshop. Everything covered in the basic carbon workshop and composite 202 is applicable to all kinds of structures. With the information you receive, you could build almost whatever you want in your own time. I am available for consultation on your next project on an as needed basis.
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